Hike 360 VR

Hiking around in the round

Matthiessen State Park Featured

Matthiessen State Park, IL

Canyons, streams, prairie and forest combine to delight visitors at Matthiessen State Park. Located near Starved Rock State Park, Matthiessen is a paradise for those interested in geology and/or recreation. Visitors can expect to see beautiful rock formations in addition to unusual and abundant vegetation and wildlife. All of this, along with park and picnic facilities, make Matthiessen State Park a popular choice for a day hike. Today’s “figure 8” hike at Matthiessen was 4.5 miles, an ideal length for 2-3 hours of hiking enjoyment.

If you are planning on a weekend getaway from the hustle of Chicago, a combined Starved Rock and Matthiessen SP adventure would be ideal. Camping at Starved Rock Campground or staying at the Starved Rock Lodge are two easy overnight options. There are additional recreational and lodging options in the area.

This trail map is far better than the one we used. We mis-identified the location of a few features in our videos, but this map will help keep everything in their rightful locations. https://www2.illinois.gov/dnr/Parks/Documents/Matthiessen%20Trail%20Map%202.pdf

Most of our videos are filmed in a full 360 arc, this means you should be able to use your device to move the video around and up and down. If you are having issues or if you are watching with VR goggles, click over and watch our Hike360vr playlist directly on YouTube.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Hike Intro (Hike 360° VR Video)

I’m amped up and ready to go here at Matthiessen State Park. I spit some facts I read in our hiking guide and go over some things I’ll be looking for in the hike to come.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Trailhead Fort (Hike 360° VR Video)

Use the 360º for a better view of the fort. This fort is a replica of the forts the French built in the Midwest during the 1600s and early 1700s. Frederick Matthiessen employed some 50 people to build the trails, bridges, stairways and dams to develop this land as a private park. After the death of Frederick Matthiessen this land was donated to the state of Illinois and made into a state park in 1943.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Trail Mix (Video)

Nothing beats eating tasty & energizing food on a hike. These guys have the good stuff, check them out: https://www.niloofarmix.com

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Running down the Stairs (Hike 360° VR Video)

This is short and unnecessary, but humorous for us. Welcome to father-son competitions.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Ryan’s phone (Video)

Matthiessen State Park one of the best hikes of the summer. Matthiessen maybe overshadowed by its neighbor, Starved Rock, but this is location is not to be missed. The lack of people allow you time and comfort to get close to the geology. And, the main path is a figure 8 style with a high-low option. That means, hikers can fit this hike into their schedule and experience both the ridge and canyon without back tracking.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Matthiessen Lake (Hike 360° VR Video)

We stopped at Matthiessen Lake to enjoy the view. That’s ALGAE on the lake, not peat or moss. Use the 360º function to take a view over the bridge and see the steep drop down the canyon.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Matthiessen Lake 2 (Hike 360° VR Video)

More views of Matthiessen Lake.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Giant’s Bathtub (Hike 360° VR Video)

Supposedly the waterfall from Matthiessen lake to the canyon was man-made. We were wondering how they made that happen. Was it dynamite?

In general, the cliffs and valleys of Matthiessen State Park are very exciting. This is definitely a Chicago Area hike to put on your short list.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Giant’s Bathtub 2 (Hike 360° VR Video)

Heading down into the canyon we walk through the “Giant’s Bathtub” where giants go to get clean.

One of the most exciting elements of Matthiessen State Park is the various walk ways and paths, from wooden stairs and paved paths to rock ledges and river stepping stones.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Exploring The Canyon (Hike 360° VR Video)

We continue our journey through the canyon at Matthiessen State Park. Make sure and use the 360° controls to look up and around this canyon.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Past Cedar Point (Hike 360° VR Video)

Continuing our journey past Cedar Point, we felt the need to capture more of this beautiful canyon.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Cascade Falls (Hike 360° VR Video)

We make it to Cascade Falls (or right before) and maneuver our way over the water and still deeper into the canyon (like a true ninja warrior). The bridges, trails and staircases are plentiful at Matthiessen. Being semi-agile is recommended.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Upper Dells/Devil’s Paint Box (Hike 360° VR Video)

On the upper dells of Matthiessen again we walk along the top of this large canyon. We also talk about Starved Rock vs. Matthiessen and how they have their differences in environment.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Bridge over the Canyon (Hike 360° VR Video)

I take a quick video of another section I thought was worth seeing.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Lower Dells (Hike 360° VR Video)

Back in the canyon, back in the lower dells. Use the 360º video function to get the feel of having these large rock walls on both sides of you. It was cool.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Must See View Canyon Tunnels (Hike 360° VR Video)

Turn your volume up and put on your VR goggles for this Hike360 highlight. We explored the caves and tunnels at Matthiessen State Park. Look up at the cliffs, look down at the water, look through the tunnels and experience the unique and exciting colors that this part of the hike has to offer.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Time-lapse (Hike 360° VR Video)

Take another look at the best section of Matthiessen State Park via a time-lapse video.

Matthiessen State Park, IL – Hike Summary (Video)

What a great hike. Very similar to Starved Rock State Park, but with far less people. Dad likes this hike more than Starved Rock and we both enjoyed the figure 8 style of Matthiessen’s main trail.

The structure of Matthiessen State Park is super interesting to experience. You hike along both the upper dells and lower dells of this canyon so you get a full understanding of the environment you are hiking through. With so much see and feel, consider choosing here over Starved Rock State Park for your next hiking adventure.